Guide introduction: Ulrike

Ulrike is a tour guide with The Kölsch Crew. Here she introduces herself and reveals a few of her insider tips for your stay in Cologne.

Where are you from?

I come from the beautiful east of Germany. After that I moved to Cologne via Hesse, fell in love with the city and the people and stayed – for more than 10 years now.

How did you come to do beer tours in Cologne?

I have known Michael, the founder of The Kölsch Crew for 7 years. Thus I had again and again points of contact with the beer tours. In the summer of 2022, I filled in for a tour due to corona and because it was so much fun, I stuck with it.

Why do you like guiding people through Cologne beer halls so much?

You meet new people from all over the world every time and bring them closer to Cologne culture and the Cologne way of life in a relaxed atmosphere. What other job can do that? No tour is like the other and to see smiling faces at the end of a tour with or because of the Kölsch is just great.

What makes Cologne special for you?

The people and the carnival – you can not describe. Just come to Cologne and experience both!

Where can people meet you for a private Kölsch?

It depends: In summer, gladly in one of the numerous beer gardens. Brewpubs in the old town are definitely the Malzmühle (they have a bar with Kölsch cocktails); and Peters Brauhaus. Otherwise with pleasure in a Cologne pub in one of our numerous and wonderful Veedeln.

What should you have eaten in Cologne?

Perfect starter menu: Kölsch, Metthappen, Himmel & Ääd. Otherwise, Cologne is colorful, just like the food. In addition to Cologne classics, you will also find many other delicacies from around the world and great cafes that definitely belong to try.

What is a must-see in Cologne (besides the cathedral)?

Great recommendation is the Odonien, from my point of view a unique place. In the summer you can enjoy the atmosphere and enjoy the time there at food festivals, concerts and other events. A picnic on the Poller Wiesen with a view of Cologne’s old town is also a must-do. Otherwise, just drift through the city. There is always something to discover that you did not know yet.

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